
Exercises in Microeconomics

Exercises in Microeconomics

This book presents a collection of 60 exercises with particularly detailed solution outlines on all aspects of microeconomic theory. It covers all the relevant areas of consumer, corporate and pricing theory in markets under different forms of competition. Exercises on market failure and welfare economics, as well as decision and game theory, have also been included.

The workbook is targeted at undergraduate- and graduate-level university students who are looking for a systematic, well-structured approach to the subject matter and who wish to use the exercises as a tool for self-study. At the same time, it serves as a systematic preparation for examinations in microeconomics. The degree of difficulty of some exercises is set deliberately high, but with the help of comprehensive solution outlines the complexity of the syllabus can be covered and understood. Moreover, some aspects are covered in greater depth than is often possible during lectures.

Erik Gawel is Professor of Economics at the University of Leipzig and Deputy Head of the Department of Economics at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). He studied economics and business administration at the University of Cologne, where he earned his PhD in Economics. In 2004, he qualified as a university lecturer at the University of Augsburg.  He has worked at the Research Institute for Public Finance at the University of Cologne and at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, and served as a staff member of Commission of Inquiry into Sustainable Energy Supply set up by the German Bundestag. He was a guest research fellow at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research at the University of Bielefeld and visiting professor for the German Research Foundation’s post-graduate research programme on Risk Regulation and the Civil Law System at the University of Bremen. He is the author of numerous scientific books and papers and also works as publicly certified expert for the area of public sector accounting. His research interests include environmental economics, institutional economics and public finance.


Exercises in Microeconomics
Series „Lehr- und Studienbücher der Wirtschaftswissenschaft", Vol. 3
Edited by Prof. Dr. Erik Gawel, UFZ/Leipzig University, Prof. Dr. Kilian Bizer, Göttingen University, Prof. Dr. Wiebke Störmann, University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden, und Prof. Dr. Thomas Wagner, University of Applied Sciences Nürnberg

Lohmar / Köln 2010, 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-89936-955-7
€ 19,- (D) — € 19,60 (A) — sFr 34,-